[00:01.143]Records by: 三道黑TriDarK,hoda大盛 [00:02.343]Harmony in music:hoda大盛,三道黑TriDark [00:04.267]Mixed by:三道黑TriDark [00:05.921]母带工程:三道黑TriDark [00:07.485]Host by:MPHR [00:09.667]Powered by:MPHR [00:13.212]Intro:hoda大盛 [00:15.428]Ladies and gentlemen(先生们,女士们) [00:18.364]Welcome to《Fusion》show(欢迎来到fussion的秀场) [00:21.345]Take a little break(大家都休息一下) [00:22.841]Fussions be created (fussion已经准备完毕) [00:24.360]Middle of the stage(马上就要登场了) [00:27.218]I see you smiling at front row(我看到你面带微笑的坐在前排) [00:30.278]跟着鼓点舞动舞动 [00:32.831]Release you mind and soul(释放你的灵魂和思绪) [00:35.722]Stand up(站起来) [00:36.623]once more (再一次) [00:37.399]Against the ****ing world(对抗这个厌恶的世界) [00:39.176]vers1:W [00:39.491]不要来问我 手里面藏了几张底牌 [00:42.135]当我站在台上 台下 都想听我唱几段 [00:44.790]Verse (歌词)送你一场耳部按摩 [00:47.006]让这舞台上好像很亮 这样已经变成我单人的bounce( [00:51.282]Spotlight only focus on me(聚光灯只照着我) [00:53.115]胜利的V 比一比 [00:54.533]观众席爆了保安说你们挤一挤 [00:57.255]Guess who’s back(猜猜谁回来了) top ten rappers(前十)榜单得理一理 [01:00.237]但其他rapper一比 恨不得都埋进地里 [01:03.049]放平常心我经常听你们名字已大名久仰 [01:06.098]那营销的话题 蹭上的热度我欣赏欣赏 [01:09.057]像是领导般敬仰被大众主流影响情商 [01:12.117]专辑定档以后 支付宝进账 [01:15.120]嗯 Wtf 戴墨镜的在盲人摸象 [01:18.203]摸的一手好鱼 看着却一脸抽象 [01:21.240]Party time slow down改日在播报(稍微休息一下) [01:24.233]Ladies and gentlemen 下一段show on [01:26.337]hook:hoda大盛 [01:27.002]oh [01:28.249]The show goes on(表演还在继续) [01:29.644]More perfect time baby later on(更多精彩的部分,宝贝们还在后面) [01:33.267]Spotlight 舞台中央 [01:35.562]我们从不失手也不会慌张 [01:39.252]I see you smiling at Front row(我看到你面带微笑的坐在前排) [01:42.155]You keep noding Ye you let it go(你一直在点头,没错让它去吧) [01:45.293]Oh release your mind(释放你的灵魂和思绪) [01:47.521]We Blowing up(我们引爆现场) [01:49.176]The show goes on(这场秀还在继续) [01:50.097]vers2:三道黑TriDark [01:50.693]klekla boom want u feeling my zoom(带你感受我的世界) [01:52.043]从不会 phucked up (搞砸)或把未来寄托给lottery(运气) [01:54.316]break all the block glock grrr shot shot(打破所有障碍) [01:56.060]never stop and hater never stop hate me em(没什么能阻止我 喷子也不会停止攻击我) [01:57.230]even snoop dog、rap god、jay-z(就算是这些大佬也有人喷) [01:58.692]妒忌和无能是对 好闺蜜 [02:00.065]“如果跑不动就趁 早退役” [02:01.640]ima GTR装了 高尾翼 [02:03.316]flow and rhyme,they say “no more”,(ta们说韵律和押韵已经听腻了) [02:04.655]but bitches and luxury,say “oh wow”,(但对炫富和美女却爱不释手) [02:06.298]forgot to live and pray,uh hun,(忘记了生活和信仰) [02:07.782]but bills and ills and sin got some,(得到了账单 怪癖 病痛) [02:09.312]take me leave that shit,oh lord(我要远离这些破事) [02:10.797]i i got to reach the top,for sure(我必须出人头地) [02:12.350]i i got to raise my son,for sure(我必须养育我的孩子) [02:13.812]but its going too slow mo(可一切都进展的太缓慢了) [02:15.297]but still movin ei(至少还在前进) [02:16.299]even they think em em think ima goofy ei(虽然很多人都觉得我做的都是徒劳的) [02:18.234]被现实敲到 谷底 [02:19.314]我迟 早 会 让我钱包鼓起ei [02:21.316]不再怕月初的pay day (还款日)会 不会再让我一败涂地 [02:23.926]不要luie v让我无敌so stupied phucked up now u cant fool me(别想再来愚弄我) [02:27.335]phuck that “be humble”“ stay low ”(去他的“谦虚做人放低姿态” [02:28.741]phuck that rules so i say no“去他的规则 我拒绝遵守) [02:30.215]不爱坐板凳不捡球 [02:31.734]这辈子不会做舔狗 [02:33.320]目标跟云爸比钱厚 [02:34.681]双手插兜就敢与天斗 [02:36.133]we like Death Row(我们就像Death Row一样) [02:37.032]like 2pac so 《me against world》(像2pac所以必须对抗全世界的不公) [02:39.271]hook:hoda大盛 [02:40.025]oh [02:40.464]The show goes on(表演还在继续) [02:41.544]More perfect time baby later on(更多精彩的部分,宝贝们还在后面) [02:45.391]Spotlight 舞台中央 [02:47.765]我们从不失手也不会慌张 [02:51.218]I see you smiling at Front row(我看到你面带微笑的坐在前排) [02:54.166]You keep noding Ye you let it go(你一直在点头,没错让它去吧) [02:57.293]Oh release your mind(释放你的灵魂和思绪) [02:59.600]We Blowing up(我们引爆现场) [03:01.332]The show goes on(这场秀还在继续) [03:02.806]Bridge:hoda大盛,三道黑TriDark [03:03.402]Keeping Nodding(继续点头) [03:05.989]this show goes on(这场秀还在继续) [03:06.428]Smiling clapping(微笑拍手) [03:07.958]跟着摇晃 [03:09.399]我们会到达 [03:11.682]每个音符跳动的变化 [03:14.585]It’s time to move on(是时候前进了) [03:17.510]We made 《fusion》循环播放 [03:20.468]心之所向乘风破浪 [03:23.811]Lose yourself (释放自己) [03:25.441]Lose yourself in the music(在音乐里释放自己) [03:32.765]To be continued…(未完待续)