[00:00.000] 作词 : YorChen [00:01.000] 作曲 : YorChen [00:03.179]编曲: Red Killer [00:04.944]录制:YorChen [00:06.680]混音:YorChen [00:08.888]和声:YorChen [00:22.151]Hook: [00:22.636]Loving you also has a deadline [00:25.142]Maybe until the day you leave [00:28.391]thinking you always every rainy day [00:30.894]but you never appear [00:34.136]and now begin to deceive myself [00:36.637]losing you like no sun sunny days [00:39.887]in the end how long to torture [00:42.142]tears once again blurred my sight [00:45.147]Verse1: [00:45.387]月光透过了云层渗透进我的眼睛 [00:48.648]回忆初见那年教室中的剪影 [00:51.388]那感觉像被天使轻揉的开心 [00:54.387]所有烦恼阴霾全都被你吹尽 [00:57.143]你美得就像十九世纪的伊芙琳 [00:59.893]哪怕放弃全部也要守护的艺术品 [01:03.397]圣诞夜的EMO是我最终的礼物 [01:05.888]过个圣诞节我也不禁嫉妒 [01:08.387]Oh,我买了新的西服 [01:10.398]这身装扮逐渐让我舒服 [01:13.893]我早已不是我 挣不脱的枷锁 [01:16.638]拖着我往下落 那里才是寄托 [01:19.637]空气像被压迫稀薄 我很虚弱 [01:21.888]黑夜里的卷缩熬过这一路颠簸 [01:25.395]你并没有错 何来罪与过 [01:28.137]为何能剥夺我所有的快与乐 [01:31.136]Hook: [01:32.827]Loving you also has a deadline [01:33.581]Maybe until the day you leave [01:36.831]thinking you always every rainy day [01:39.580]but you never appear [01:42.574]and now begin to deceive myself [01:45.084]losing you like no sun sunny days [01:48.324]in the end how long to torture [01:50.836]tears once again blurred my sight [01:53.580]Verse2: [01:53.830]为我人生点燃这场野火 [01:57.075]烧不尽冲不破 [01:59.824]忍着等着痛彻底迎来爆发 [02:02.077]放不下解不脱 [02:05.325]我想逃离现实 去追逐理想 [02:07.830]拨开行囊闯出名堂 握紧手里的枪 [02:11.074]擦出火花绚烂为我点缀长乐未央 [02:14.074]子弹就是说唱 为我插上翅膀 [02:16.827]想去梦里那个地方 [02:19.584]那里存在属于我的姑娘 [02:22.826]不用每天东飘西荡 [02:25.074]静静度过地老天荒 [02:28.324]时间朦胧就像就是活在梦里 [02:30.833]或许这个世界不是太干净 [02:33.836]我也会用尽全力净化自己 [02:36.582]努力想让生活变得有意义 [02:39.824]忽然才发现差点迷失自己 [02:42.324]当音乐响起视线开始清晰 [02:44.837]音乐是我生活能继续的动力 [02:48.338]还想回到当初的那个自己 [02:51.081]为爱奋不顾身也要得到你 [02:53.573]夜深时钟停止 当我快要昏迷 [02:56.823]一切的一切好像就要回到过去 [02:59.339]走过的时间像是碎片马上就要散去 [03:02.330]Hook: [03:02.330]Loving you also has a deadline [03:04.830]Maybe until the day you leave [03:08.323]thinking you always every rainy day [03:10.824]but you never appear [03:13.829]and now begin to deceive myself [03:16.574]losing you like no sun sunny days [03:19.586]in the end how long to torture [03:22.324]tears once again blurred my sight [03:24.575]( End)