[00:00.000] 作词 : EL516 [00:00.080] 作曲 : EL516 [00:00.160] 编曲 : EL516 [00:00.240]They say that life is always easier [00:02.340]他们说生活会在你崩溃后 [00:05.490]After you let yourself come undone [00:08.010]会变得更容易一些 [00:10.890]They saythey'll give you whatever you want [00:12.570]他们说他们会给你想要的一切 [00:15.870]And I’ ll be waiting in the shadow of the sun [00:17.760]我在阳光无法照耀的地方等待 [00:19.500]Seizing time where noone's been before [00:21.660]抓住时机,去一个没人知晓的地方 [00:23.760]Close the curtains, what you waiting for? [00:25.320]拉上窗帘,还等什么呢? [00:27.570]AndI'll be keeping secrets [00:29.250]我会保守秘密 [00:30.720]TillI'm in the ground [00:31.440]直到生命逝去 [00:37.200]Keep your past your own, Idon't care about before [00:40.020]你的过去属于你,我不在乎 [00:41.010]Idon't wanna know your secrets, I wanna help you keep yours [00:44.070]我不想窥探你的秘密,而是想帮你守护 [00:45.210]No one needs to, noone'll ever know what we do [00:46.920]别人无需了解,他们不知道我们之间的故事 [00:48.210]Where we go, whydon't we go to a place where only we know? [00:50.280]我们去哪?为什么不去一个只有我俩知道的地方 [00:51.870]Where we escape from real life and it feels good and it feels nice [00:54.420]我们可以在那里摆脱现实生活的束缚,这种感觉妙不可言 [00:55.950]That weain't yet but we still might [00:57.300]虽然还未逃脱,但仍有机会 [00:58.080]Cause we go with it if it feels right [00:59.400]如果这是对的,我们就会去做 [01:01.410]And it feels... feels amazing [01:02.670]这种感觉妙不可言 [01:04.290]Weain't ready to see the day AndI'll be waiting in the shadow of the sun [01:07.650]我们还没有准备好迎接这一天。我在阳光无法照耀的地方等待 [01:11.880]Seizing time where noone's been before [01:12.630]抓住时机,去一个没人知晓的地方 [01:13.560]Close the curtains, what you waiting for? [01:15.450]拉上窗帘,还等什么呢? [01:16.290]AndI'll be keeping secrets [01:17.370]我会保守秘密 [01:19.230]AndI'll be waiting in the shadow of the sun [01:23.610]我在阳光无法照耀的地方等待 [01:26.580]Seizing time where noone's been before [01:27.330]抓住时机,去一个没人知晓的地方 [01:28.650]Close the curtains, what you waiting for? [01:30.810]拉上窗帘,还等什么呢? [01:32.100]AndI'll be keeping secrets [01:32.730]我会保守秘密 [01:33.960]TillI'm in the ground [01:34.710]直到生命逝去 [01:36.930]Let go of fear [01:37.650]放下恐惧 [01:38.190]This can be a secret that we both keep, that we both share [01:41.070]这是我们两个人的秘密,只有我们懂 [01:42.060]Keep it behind the smiles we both wear [01:42.960]隐藏在我们的笑容背后 [01:43.590]As the sun creeps through the curtains [01:45.030]太阳在窗外升起 [01:45.480]On the walls we become two silhouettes [01:47.040]在阳光的照耀下,墙上浮现出我们的轮廓 [01:48.240]As we close our eyes [01:48.960]闭上双眼 [01:49.260]Let go of the lies that fill our heads [01:50.970]摒弃脑海中的谎言 [01:51.840]Let's light it up, live life in the moment [01:53.700]点亮心中的希望,活在当下 [01:54.480]Why would we worry about where we might end up? [01:56.670]我们为什么要担心终点在哪? [01:57.450]Theycan't see us, theycan't judge us,it's just us [02:00.300]他们看不到我们,无法对我们评头论足,我们只做自己 [02:01.680]They might wonder but only we know where we go when the sun comes up [02:04.680]他们或许好奇,但只有在太阳出来的时候才会知道我们去了哪里 [02:07.410]And I’ ll be waiting in the shadow of the sun [02:08.460]我在阳光无法照耀的地方等待 [02:11.460]Seizing time where noone's been before [02:12.210]抓住时机,去一个没人知晓的地方 [02:13.140]Close the curtains, what you waiting for? [02:15.480]拉上窗帘,还等什么呢? [02:16.740]AndI'll be keeping secrets [02:17.400]我会保守秘密 [02:18.690]And I’ ll be waiting in the shadow of the sun [02:23.160]我在阳光无法照耀的地方等待 [02:26.370]Seizing time where noone's been before [02:27.120]抓住时机,去一个没人知晓的地方 [02:28.200]Close the curtains, what you waiting for? [02:30.360]拉上窗帘,还等什么呢? [02:31.650]AndI'll be keeping secrets [02:32.610]我会保守秘密 [02:33.510]TillI'm in the ground [02:34.230]直到生命逝去 [02:36.210]I'm in the shadow of, the shadow of the the sun [02:38.910]我在阳光无法照耀的地方等待 [02:39.750]Where I belong, girl,there's something coming on [02:42.480]女孩,那是我们的归处,太阳升起了 [02:44.910]I'm in the shadow of, the shadow of the the sun [02:48.150]我在阳光无法照耀的地方,阴影处 [02:49.410]Oh, and I need you [02:49.710]哦,我需要你 [02:50.910]Chasing it, chasing it [02:52.200]追逐它,追逐它 [02:52.740]Idon't know whatI'm chasing is [02:54.090]我不知道我追逐的是什么 [02:54.780]All I know isI've been craving it [02:55.710]我所知道的的是,我一直以来对它热切地渴望着 [02:56.970]Ever since I had a taste of it [02:57.810]我已尝到了它的甜头 [02:58.470]Life is what you make of it [02:59.430]生活是由自己来创造 [03:00.000]We're just here writing our own books [03:01.710]我们不过是书写自己的故事 [03:02.430]This is just a page of it [03:03.540]而这不过是其中的一章 [03:04.110]Before you wave your fingers at us [03:05.310]在你书写我们的故事前 [03:05.970]You better make sure your hands are clean [03:07.200]请确定双手的干净 [03:07.740]We all obey, our hands are tied [03:08.310]我们绑住了双手,共同遵守书写的一切 [03:09.750]And Idon't wanna have to leave [03:10.860]我不想被迫离开 [03:11.700]Idon't wanna say goodbye [03:12.540]我不想说再见 [03:13.620]They say life is always easier when you come undone [03:16.320]他们说生活会在你崩溃后会变得更容易一些 [03:17.580]When I go,you'll know whereI've gone [03:19.470]我离开的时候,你就会知道我去了哪里 [03:20.490]And I’ ll be waiting in the shadow of the sun [03:34.980]我在阳光无法照耀的地方等待 [03:36.360]And I’ ll be waiting in the shadow of the sun [03:39.390]我在阳光无法照耀的地方等待 [03:42.390]Seizing time where noone's been before [03:43.140]抓住时机,去一个没人知晓的地方 [03:44.280]Close the curtains, what you waiting for? [03:46.890]拉上窗帘,还等什么呢? [03:48.720]AndI'll be keeping secrets [03:50.010]我会保守秘密 [03:50.610]TillI'm in the ground [03:51.300]直到生命逝去 (祝你生日快乐)