[00:00]词:Clanellenics [00:00]曲:Clanellenics [00:00]编曲:Clanellenics [00:00]录音:Clanellenics [00:00]后期:Clanellenics [00:00]GSR 瑞声唱片版权所有 [00:16]成都Clanellenics Art Studio 工作室 [00:23]I've been through a lot recently [00:24]我最近承受了很多 [00:25]I might get a little bit carried away [00:25]我可能有些迷失了 [00:26]but if you wouldn't stop getting at me [00:27]但如果你能不为难我 [00:28]Am I I don't mean to and I [00:28]是吗我不是故意的 [00:32]I know that you've been through a lot [00:33]with your mum and all [00:35]我知道你最近因为你妈妈很难过 [00:36]I know [00:36]我都知道 [00:37]But there's things that I needed to talk to you about [00:38]但我也需要和你谈谈 [00:40]About how I am stuck in this flat [00:41]谈谈我如何困在那个地方 [00:42]with a man that I am not in love with [00:43]和一个我不爱的男人 [00:44]And if I can't talk to you [00:45]如果我都不能和你讲 [00:45]then what is the point of you of us [00:46]那你的意义在哪里我们的意义在哪里 [00:48]what do you mean what's the point [00:49]意义在哪里是什么意思 [00:50]I think we've outgrown each other [00:51]我觉得我们疏远了 [00:51]No you have outgrown me [00:53]不是你疏远了我 [00:53]You think I'm uncool and dreary [00:54]你觉得我沉闷无趣 [00:55]I don't think you're dreary Emma [00:56]我并不觉得Emma [00:57]I think if it's over [00:57]我说如果都结束了 [00:58]then we should just face facts [00:58]那我们就面对现实 [00:59]Say goodbye [01:02]说再见吧 [01:02]It sounds like you're dumping me [01:03]听起来是你要离开我 [01:04]Yean maybe I am [01:04]也许我就是吧 [01:05]You're not you used to be [01:05]可你变了 [01:06]Come on Emma [01:07]别这样Emma [01:08]Look I apologize [01:11]我道歉好吗 [01:11]Lyrics: [01:11]记得我 [01:14]在无边人海中 [01:18]看着我 [01:25]消失在你眼中 [01:35]不要 [01:38]不要将你年少旧事再度提起 [01:46]为何 [01:49]为何我们全力相拥还是别离 [01:57]逃不开谁的期待 [02:00]好或坏也许难猜 [02:03]该不该擦掉眼泪 [02:05]总有人在等你回来 [02:08]把回忆全都掩埋 [02:12]我的爱变作尘埃 [02:15]会不会有人明白 [02:17]我们生来自由可爱 [02:44]忘了我 [02:47]出现你生命中 [02:56]没爱过 [02:59]昨晚泪眼朦胧 [03:08]不要 [03:11]不要让我丢了自己破碎的心 [03:20]为何 [03:23]为何她们坚定双眼如此美丽 [03:31]逃不开谁的期待 [03:34]好或坏也许难猜 [03:36]该不该擦掉眼泪 [03:39]总有人在等你回来 [03:42]把回忆全都掩埋 [03:46]我的爱变作尘埃 [03:48]会不会有人明白 [03:51]我们生来自由可爱 [03:58]自由可爱 [04:02]我们生来自由可爱 [04:10]自由可爱 [04:14]我们生来自由可爱