[00:00]BeatMaker:猫仙人 [00:00]作词:猫仙人/HazyPupu/Agassi阿加熙 [00:01]作曲:猫仙人/HazyPupu/Agassi阿加熙 [00:02]混音:猫仙人 [00:03]母带:猫仙人 [00:04]封面:猫仙人 [00:05]You may come with the light dazzling [00:21]And u try to rule my feeling [00:24]You [00:25]Make me wanna spinnin and wavin [00:28]On my ear nibble and whispering [00:30]Then say [00:31]You're addicted to hazy illusion [00:35]Feel like the mist floated on the ocean [00:39]It's close to allegory [00:41]It's all about love [00:43]You pulled out me under [00:45]Lock me in your heart [00:47]穿梭在太空他们都叫我星际牛仔 [00:51]从不饮酒热coco 兑牛奶是我最爱 [00:55]接到五星任务将你捉拿归案 [01:00]我开着飞船看着你的档案 [01:03]你的手段丰富 [01:05]你的身法娴熟 [01:07]奇怪特点是用口红标记猎物 [01:12]捕猎结束你将战利品炫耀摆布 [01:15]你的赏金又增加了就像是危险的赌注 [01:19]穿过粉色小行星地带 [01:21]降落在Black Cat 的酒吧外 [01:24]进入舞池放慢步调 [01:25]慢慢靠近 [01:26]We gotta dance tonight [01:27]你突然回头打乱节奏 [01:29]迷人的危险映入眼眸 [01:32]精致面庞像是左轮手枪 [01:34]回眸一笑留下致命伤 [01:37]You may come with the light dazzling [01:41]And u try to rule my feeling [01:44]You [01:45]Make me wanna spinnin and wavin [01:48]On my ear nibble and whispering [01:51]Then say [01:51]You're addicted to hazy illusion [01:55]Feel like the mist floated on the ocean [01:59]It's close to allegory [02:01]It's all about love [02:03]You pulled out me under [02:05]Lock me in your heart [02:07]头脑发懵脚底失重信号失踪 [02:11]反应过来我手里只有你用过的口红 [02:15]哦好吧我承认这是一场猫鼠游戏 [02:19]猎物与猎人角色逆转心不由意 [02:23]Love is a razor [02:25]Cut and targ like a laser [02:27]他的灵魂如此饱受折磨却无法彻底弃舍 [02:31]天使与恶魔的游戏规则 [02:33]扑向勃艮第红炙热的飞蛾 [02:35]不是谁都可以获得 [02:37]高贵气质下自由的独特 [02:40]烛光织成的梦总是充斥着暧昧 [02:44]橱窗里迷人的灯照亮了虚假派对 [02:48]星球间穿梭零重力让我沉醉 [02:52]不再狼狈远离被爱诅咒的人类