[00:00.000] 作词 : CMY/YoungSY [00:01.000] 作曲 : CMY/YoungSY [00:23.367]浴血在沙场的勇士 [00:24.616]敌人的鲜血滴成我升华的泳池 [00:26.622]我播下了胜利的种子 [00:27.868]和我作对的是无疑在送死 [00:29.873]人生就是场赌博 [00:31.121]我相信勤能补拙 [00:32.616]我要的是百分百的胜利而不是可能如果 [00:35.368]冷酷的杀手把赏金给拿走 [00:37.875]你到底为了啥在害怕要付出大代价在紧张的发抖 [00:40.616]my street and ghetto tattoo的来由 [00:42.621]被打到的对手在苦苦的哀求 [00:44.115]正当我开口 拳拳到肉 广角镜头 拍下最后的决斗 [00:46.865]没有什么能够阻挡 [00:48.370]我把责任和重担都抗在肩膀 [00:49.874]你都被打倒在地下还在鼓掌 [00:51.124]这血心的过程我把它写在书上 [00:53.532]说的就是你们 [00:54.032]声音奶里奶气像他妈个女人 [00:55.782]把你打倒地上实力才用几成 [00:57.287]需要更多力量我把垃圾区分 [00:59.034]弱肉强食靠自己去做 [01:00.284]这圈子早已经乌云密布 [01:01.788]脚踏实地我一步一步像极电影里过关斩将的一幕 [01:04.529]慢动作拍下我华丽又血腥我陷入了绝境的这尴尬的场面 [01:07.537]告诉你原因是努力的结晶你看我在台上是多么的抢眼 [01:11.281]Rambo(兰博) [01:14.033]Rambo(兰博) [01:17.287]Rambo(兰博) [01:20.038]Rambo(兰博) [01:23.035]I can fight like Rambo(我像兰博一样出击) [01:26.033]I can fight like Rambo(我像兰博一样出击) [01:29.030]I can fight like Rambo(我像兰博一样出击) [01:33.788]rap that shit(什么) [01:34.533]you got rap that shit(你们唱的什么) [01:35.282]nobody limit me im all about it(没人能限制我) [01:36.529]I’m feeling like Rambo I shout it(因为我就像兰博一样) [01:38.033]Bow before my knees I supreme(厉害) [01:39.537]When u read this u can’t see me (神出鬼没) [01:41.030]I’ve punched you in the face(痛击弟弟) [01:42.279]I get that money and spend it(我赚到金钱) [01:43.782]U can not win in the race(你并不能赢得比赛) [01:44.787]girls lickin'up back on my balls(女孩们都喜欢我) [01:46.533]You only deserve to lick my toes(不喜欢你) [01:48.284]but I won’t sell my soul(但是我不会出卖我的灵魂) [01:49.789]I’m that chigga u know(我就是这样的人) [01:51.281]Cut u throat i Cut u throat(搞定你) [01:52.528]I move too fast you crawl so slow(你速度太慢了) [01:54.279]I’m a motherfather beast u can call me GOAT(我就是个野兽你可以叫我GOAT) [01:55.537]I kill this beat you can only say wow(游走在beat上你只能惊叹) [01:58.279]I just rap so you can't breathe(我开始了) [02:00.038]Kil tm all Kil tm all (搞定他们) [02:01.287]I’m so swag I’m so swag(就是这么强大) [02:02.781]Now I’m ready it’s not a joke(这不是玩笑) [02:04.040]I am the viper in the jungle(就像丛林中的毒蛇) [02:05.532]Behead you like Rambo phenomenal(伺机而动) [02:07.037]Minority crew fire in the hole(少数派准备开火) [02:09.031]These kids just bluffing my gold chain(弟弟们还在观望,你看我的金链子) 多新 [02:11.537]U need bless(你需要祈祷)避免波及都跑远躲起 [02:14.279]An Underdog from Underground (来自地下的大卫) [02:15.783]无名之辈掀起巨浪 [02:17.287]我兄弟们都着急着上 [02:18.537]猛虎出行神鬼避让